28 July, 2008

Sushi Wok Chinese in Eurolandia

Wok Thai Restaurant

Wok Sushi

Sushi Thai Food

Indian Thai Wok

Hmmmr. Do any of these sound familiar? If you live in the CET, I dare
say they do. Perhaps you are not fully aware that there are different
countries over there in Oriental-land.

Mayhaps, you can't tell a Japanese Man, from a Chinese Man, and as for
Thai's, India's or Hong Kong, forget it.

In the "Good Ole, US of A" certain types of different cuisines can be
mixed. Tex-Mex is a good example of this. They fit, and they work
together. Part of the issue is that the preparation of such food does
not take an inherent, genetic disposition to doing it right. Like say,
sushi rice. If you ain't Japanese, you can't do it right.

Also, some of the countries listed above HATE EACHOTHER, or at least
they used to hate each other. Think Rape of Nanking, and how the
Chinese feel about the Japanese.

I am afraid of eating at these restaurants, and think that I will try
to avoid them.

Perhaps if I have my camera aboust me, I shall snap some photos of
said offenders of culinary propriety.

Gracias y'all.

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